• 【“百年庆”会计高层次“新财经”学术讲坛】Green at Risk: The Effects of Weakened EPA Oversight (绿色危在旦夕:美国环保局监管减弱的影响)
    发布时间:2024-03-26 查看次数:


    主题:Green at Risk: The Effects of Weakened EPA Oversight (绿色危在旦夕:美国环保局监管减弱的影响)

    主讲人:澳门bet356体育在线官网 赵珂意副教授

    主持人:澳门bet356体育在线官网 刘洋副教授

    时间:2024年4月2日 11:15-12:15


    主办单位:新时代中国特色财务与会计理论创新与方法体系研究团队 澳门bet356体育在线官网 科研处

    主讲人简介:赵珂意,澳门bet356体育在线官网副教授。2021年毕业于美国罗格斯大学,主要研究方向为企业社会责任和文本分析。其论文曾在美国会计年会(AAA), 夏威夷会计研究会议(HARC),新丝路会计论坛等国内外知名会议进行展示。担任美国会计学会年会,Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting等期刊及会议的匿名审稿人。

    内容简介:In recent decades, political polarization on U.S. environmental issues has intensified, particularly during President Trump’s presidency. This study investigates the potential influence of politicians’ ideologies on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcement and firms’ environmental performance. Our analysis confirms a substantial decline in EPA enforcement and weakened deterrent effects of enforcement during Trump’s tenure. Additionally, during the period of relaxed enforcement, the media pays more attention to negative environmental incidents involving firms targeted by EPA enforcement and those with higher levels of toxic releases. Taken together, our findings offer insights into the relationship between political ideologies, environmental enforcement, and corporate environmental practices.

