主题:Data Analytics and AI in the Accounting Curriculum(会计课程中的数据分析与人工智能)
主讲人:美国阿肯色大学沃尔顿商学院 Vernon Richardson教授
主持人:澳门bet356体育在线官网 李贺教授
时间:2024-03-12 15:00-16:30
主办单位:新时代中国特色财务与会计理论创新与方法体系研究团队 澳门bet356体育在线官网 教务处 科研处
Vernon Richardson教授是美国阿肯色大学沃尔顿商学院的杰出教授,会计系主任,研究方向为信息技术、大数据分析和会计的交叉领域,是美国会计信息系统领域最杰出的学者之一。
他的成果发表在The Accounting Review、Journal of Accounting and Economics、MIS quarterly、Journal of Operations Management、Journal of Marketing、Journal of operations Management等UTD24期刊,以及Contemporary Accounting Research、Journal of Management Information Systems等FT50期刊。他曾担任The Accounting Review主编,现任Accounting Horizons主编。
在教学方面,Richardson教授出版了《Accounting Information Systems》、《Data Analytics for Accounting》等教材。其中,《会计数据分析》(Data Analytics for Accounting)教材是大数据会计领域的原创教材,在国内外得到了广泛应用。
内容简介:The plethora of data and the existence of tools to analyze and visualize it has changed the accounting profession.And with those changes in the accounting profession, there are revolutionary changes needed in accounting education.How and where does this affect the accounting curriculum? Which courses? How? Where do we use it? How does it change how we evaluate estimates, forecast the future, make decisions, and do tax planning, etc.? The opportunity for hands-on teaching and learning are endless and I’ll show you how. And AI, isn’t it just an extension of data analytics? How can we use it to complement accounting?